Food Wars!, Vol. 12: Shokugeki no Soma (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma #12), Yuuto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki & Yuki Morisaki

This volume continues with the story of the competition between Hayama and Kurokiba (Food Wars Vol. 11) where both have outstanding culinary skills and specialities. However, since the aroma and flavours are too good for both dishes, the judges couldn’t decide who to vote for the winner of the competition. Doujima, one of the judges, comes out with an idea which ends up the final match will involve three contestants – Soma, Hayama and Kurokiba.

The ingredient for the final match has been set by the committee. However, the defined ingredient seems a disadvantage for Soma. Soma realises he’s not good enough in judging fish and he doesn’t have sufficient time to learn the skill which possessed by both Hayama and Kurokiba. What Soma will do to overcome his weakness to come out with a dish which competitive enough with Hayama and Kurokiba’s dish?

I'm pretty sure most of the readers can't wait to continuously reading the story especially it reaches one of the important stages in this manga.

Rating: ★★★★
More reviews can be found on Goodreads: Food Wars!, Vol. 12: Shokugeki no Soma (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma #12).