Food Wars!, Vol. 13: Shokugeki no Soma (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma #13), Yuuto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki & Yuki Morisaki

The key ingredient for the final match has been set by the committee in the previous volume (Food Wars 12). The beginning of this volume focuses on the final match among Hayama, Soma and Kurokiba. Soma’s cooking is incredible and even the Director strips off after the tasting. Does it means Soma will win the final match? What will Soma learns from the competition after that?

After the final competition, Tootsuki Academy’s first year students will be sent to various professional kitchens such as restaurants, foodstuff makers, and even public institutions so that the students able to gain experience in real kitchens. In order to pass the assignment, you need to leave "visible results" on your first week as a trainee. Some students will be sent alone or may have to work as stagiaire together. So, who will be Soma’s working partner and how is Tadokoro Megumi doing when she has such a tough team member?

I have mixed feelings about the final match. If Soma wins, this will be quite boring as Soma has won multiple times in this manga and what will be the next after the competition? If Soma loses, I was wondering how the story continues on and it’s heartbreaking to see his defeat where he has put so much effort for it. You just can’t wait to continue reading the process and wish just turn to the page straight away where the judges announce the winner and then, back to the previous pages to continue reading the process. Although I had that intention but I didn’t do it.

Rating: ★★★★
More reviews can be found on Goodreads: Food Wars!, Vol. 13: Shokugeki no Soma (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma #13).