Mira Roskova, a twenty-three-year-old model, is famous for her beauty and the most desired woman in the world. Her life seems perfect with the fame and wealth gained from brand endorsements. Her followers on social media increase when she also has a world-famous footballer Lawrence Wall as a boyfriend. When Mira gets assaulted by Lawrence, her team works hard to save her reputation and protect her from any harassments.
Virgil Bliss, who used to be in the army, is now hired as a bodyguard to protect Mira from any threats or harms, specifically from Lawrence Wall and his fans. The physical assault endured by Mira must not be revealed to the world to protect her career, image and carefully built brand.
Meanwhile, inside Britain's most notorious psychiatric hospital, Broadmoor, one man has long been obsessed with Mira. His crime has been kept secret from the public all the time. He is a charming and handsome portraitist that can win any women's heart with his flawless drawing.
To be honest, maybe I'm too old to read this kind of story. After reading this book, I wonder if maybe my age is unsuitable for reading about celebrities, masculine bodyguard and lunatic romance. I saw most readers or reviewers of this book on Goodreads were so enthralled by Virgil. I really couldn't grasp that excitement as I felt most of the characters are lacking depth. There were too many descriptions about Mira's beauty and every person that Mira meets. More than half of the story is not related to the storyline but about Mira's fame or celebrity life. The writing style was monotonous for me, and I felt I was reading a celebrity or an entertainment magazine. The story's primary focus is more about how beautiful Mira is, how everyone has fallen into her beauty when they meet her, and her team trying to save their brand. If Mira is a real person, I guess I had just finished reading her biography. In summary, this story is about Mira's past crime catching her up and everyone around her trying to protect their goddess from falling into the devastation that will reveal the truth of the crime.
ISBN: 9780955493973 (ebook)
Number of Pages: 391
Rating: ★★ (2/5)
More reviews can be found on Goodreads: Mirror Mirror by Nick Louth.