This book consists of a collection of random short stories such as
- A woman who keeps giving excuses to her ex-husband of not returning his car so he can feel her pain of being neglected by him.
- A lady is visiting a different city for her father's surgery. While smoking outside of the hotel, she sees a pickup car waiting for one of the hotel's guest. Due to curiosity, she decides to get into the car. The lady later realises she needs to become a substitute pianist in a concert despite her limited experience in it.
- A boutique owner has no love for her neighbour, who is a manipulative elderly woman but still offer her kindness to her. The elderly woman leaves all her earthly possession to the boutique owner after she passes away.
- A mother who has forgotten she has a middle child that they adopted one year ago.
- A ballet dancer that is so obsessed with a specific type of apple but later faces the difficulty of finding her source of will which had shaped her as a successful ballet dancer.
There are some stories that I feel fascinated with it, but some probably not my intellectual level to understand. Maybe I'm not the intended audience, but I do believe there are some readers will like the bizarreness and sophistication of the stories. Besides, when I was reading this book, the content is still in a rough draft. I don't think it's fair that my personal review should take into account.
Thanks to NetGalley and Meryl Moss Media for providing me with a free review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
Rating: ★★ (2.5/5)
More reviews can be found on Goodreads: Truthtelling by Lynne Sharon Schwartz.